1. 30+ years of Experience Our Best Dermal Fillers Dermatologist In Dubai Jumeirah Abu Dhabi UAE utilize the very latest injectables and advanced techniques for women and men aesthetics treatments transformation (Dermal Fillers injections, Nonsurgical Butt Lift, Nasolabial Fold Fillers, Cheek fillers, Lip Fillers Augmentation, Juvederm Fillers, Nose Fillers, Chin Fillers, Jawline Fillers, Butt fillers augmentation, Hip Dips Fillers, body fillers, Sculptra, Sculptra Fillers,  Marionette Lines Fillers, Russian Lip Fillers, Temples Fillers)
  2. At Perfect Doctors, our service takes place at the best dermal fillers clinic in dubai Jumeirah at the top notch location for dermal fillers with recommended, trusted beauty reviews and nonsurgical treatments.


dermal fillers in Dubai
fillers in dubai

Dermal fillers are a popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore volume to certain areas of the face and body. They inject a variety of substances, including hyaluronic acid, into the skin to provide a smoother, more youthful appearance.


Dermal Fillers in Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE is a cosmetic to help you achieve these results and benefits:

  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Restoring lost facial volume and contour.
  • Enhancing facial features, such as the lips and cheeks.
  • Treating facial acne scars.


Check out top satisfied patients’ photos, and best results for before and after Dermal Fillers images in Jumeirah Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE The money, effort, and time you put into this procedure are surely worth it.

*Booking a Clinic dermal fillers in Dubai appointment for International visitors or citizens coming from Al Ain and Sharjah can be done by phone at +971561917976. 

(USA American UK and European safety standards) for Dermal Fillers Booking with the best dermatologist or plastic surgeon for male and female patients

Dermal Fillers FAQs

What Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure. Dermal fillers plump wrinkles and smooth lines, restoring volume to your face. Your healthcare provider injects these substances just beneath your skin. Dermal fillers are injections that plump and smooth wrinkles on your body and face. There are various types of dermal fillers. In the areas around your eyes, mouth, and nose, healthcare providers typically inject dermal fillers. This common cosmetic procedure typically produces immediate results and can last for months or years.

Dermal fillers are a type of injectable implant used in cosmetic procedures for men. These products, when injected beneath the skin, have the ability to soften lines and wrinkles, correct age-related volume loss, enhance facial proportions, and improve skin quality. A variety of substances compose them, with hyaluronic acid (HA) being the most common. Restylane and Juvéderm are two types of HA fillers. Dermal fillers also contain calcium hydroxylapatite, the primary ingredient in Radiesse, and poly-L-lactic acid, a component of Sculptra.

People choose dermal filler injections to enhance their facial features or to appear more youthful. This elective treatment typically takes less than 30 minutes to complete, with minimal recovery time. Results are immediate and can last for months or years, depending on the type of filler and location.

There are various types of dermal fillers. Your healthcare provider will explain your options to you. As with any cosmetic procedure, there are risks, such as infection, bleeding, and bruises. Health insurance plans typically do not cover filler injections and other elective cosmetic procedures.

Why Are Dermal Fillers Used?

Dermal Fillers are used to enhance and contour the skin. As you age, your body starts to lose collagen. Collagen is an important substance that exists all over your body, including in your skin, muscles, bones, and connective tissues. Decreased amounts of collagen in your skin cause skin laxity (looseness) and loss of volume. Skin becomes thinner, loses its elasticity, and starts to sag.

You can opt for dermal fillers to:

  • Add volume to sagging skin.
  • Make your facial features more symmetrical.
  • Plump up lips and cheeks.
  • Non-surgical dermal fillers for wrinkles and creases smoothness.

Some medications prescribed to treat medical conditions like HIV and AIDS can cause facial thinness. Some people choose to get dermal fillers to restore volume to their faces after taking these medications.

How Common Are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers are very common. Every year, over 3 million people choose to have dermal fillers.

What Are The Types Of Dermal Fillers?

At Perfect Doctors Clinic, we provide a personalised approach to anti-ageing and cosmetic injections, combining the newest injectable solutions to meet each patient’s specific needs for a bespoke result.

Nasolabial folds are the lines that connect the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Fillers can soften these wrinkles and provide volume to the cheeks.

Marionette lines, sometimes known as laughter lines, stretch downward from the corners of the mouth and can give the illusion of sadness or depression. Fillers can aid in lifting and smoothing these lines.

Lip fillers: Fillers are commonly used to increase lip volume, define the lip border, and improve symmetry.

Russian lip fillers: Enhancing and augmenting your lips with lip fillers can significantly improve your facial appearance in a short period of time. The treatment at Perfect Doctors Clinic is non-invasive and non-surgical. Choose between Russian lips, velvet lips, contoured just lips, and personalized grin designs. This procedure will shape your lips into a gentle heart shape with increased volume in the middle, akin to a Russian doll.

Cheeks Filler: Loss of volume in the cheeks can cause a depressed appearance. Fillers can restore volume to the cheeks, resulting in a more youthful shape.

Under-eye filler or tear trough: Dark circles and hollows under the eyes can make a person appear weary or older. Fillers can be used to fill in these hollows and minimize the appearance of dark circles.

Chin Filler: Fillers can enhance the chin’s definition and projection, increasing face balance and harmony.

Jawline/Texas jawline filler: Fillers can be utilized to shape and define the jawline, resulting in a more angular and youthful appearance.

Temple filler: A lack of volume in the temples can lead to a hollow or gaunt appearance. Fillers can help restore volume in this area, resulting in a smoother, more youthful contour.

Nose filler (non-surgical rhinoplasty): Fillers can be used to reshape and contour the nose, fixing minor flaws or asymmetries without surgery.

Body fillers: Dermal body fillers can be utilized to improve and revitalize numerous areas below the neck. Dermal body fillers are commonly used in the buttocks, calves, hip dip, and hands.

There are several types of dermal fillers. In addition to “off-the-shelf” fillers made of synthetic (manmade) materials and substances found naturally in your body, healthcare providers can use fat from your own body. We call this procedure “autologous fat grafting,” where we remove fat from one part of your body and inject it into your face.

The types of off-the-shelf fillers include:

  • Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring acid in the skin. It adds volume and keeps your skin hydrated. Your body stops producing hyaluronic acid as you age. Results from HA injections typically last six months to a year. Restylane® is a popular type of HA filler.
  • calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) is a type of filler that is naturally available in your bones. These fillers typically produce results that last for about a year. Healthcare providers commonly use CaHA fillers to treat deep wrinkles. Radiesse® and other CaHA fillers are examples.
  • Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is a substance that helps your body produce collagen. Healthcare providers commonly use poly-L-lactic acid to smooth deep facial wrinkles. The results can last for two years or more. Sculptra is one of the types of PLLA fillers.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) fillers are made up of collagen and tiny balls, which remain under your skin after your healthcare provider injects them. The balls give your skin volume while keeping it firm. Bellafill is a type of PMMA filler.

Your health care provider will review the different Types of dermal fillers available in Dubai and help you decide which one is best for you. Explain to them how to set realistic goals and what results to expect after receiving injections.

Filler dissolving at Perfect Doctors Clinic

Hyaluronic acid (HA)-based dermal fillers dissolve naturally. Depending on the type and consistency of the product, metabolizing a dermal filler might take anywhere from 6 months to 2.5 years. If the outcomes of a filler injection do not match the client’s expectations, HA-based dermal fillers can be dissolved using an enzyme called Hyaluronidase. However, dissolving semi-permanent dermal fillers manufactured from materials other than hyaluronic acid do not respond to the action of the dissolving agent. It is critical to get professional advice to avoid the need to dissolve dermal fillers owing to poor outcomes and subpar products. At Perfect Doctors Clinic, we specialize in dermal filler injections, and our experienced and competent doctors deliver natural and transformational results.

Fillers Price in Dubai

Perfect Doctors Clinic offers excellent consultations with highly qualified and experienced professionals. The cost of treatment will be determined based on the client’s needs and the Doctor’s suggestions. We offer a wide choice of high-quality dermal filler brands, including Juvederm, Cytosial, Alliaxin, and Revitafill, which can be tailored to the client’s budget. Furthermore, during discount seasons, Perfect Doctors may offer up to 40% off dermal filler treatments.

What Happens Before A Dermal Filler Procedure?

Before a dermal filler procedure, your dermatologist will consult with you before administering dermal fillers. You may want to see a dermatologist, a healthcare provider who specializes in skin care. They will examine your face and ask you about your goals and areas for improvement.

To mark the injection sites on your face, they may use a pen or marker. They may also take photographs of your face. Your health care provider will recommend a specific type of filler or fillers and review potential side effects and recovery time.

During the consultation, your healthcare provider will inquire about your medical history. If you take medications, tell them. Certain medications can potentially heighten the risk of complications following filler procedures. If you have any concerns, let your healthcare provider know.

  • Allergies.
  • Bruising or bleeding after previous procedures.
  • Neurological issues.
  • Skin conditions.

What Happens During A Dermal Filler Procedure?

During a dermal filler procedure, your dermatologist will inject the fillers. Some people prefer to get dermal fillers at a medical spa (also known as medspa or medispa). This medical clinic offers cosmetic procedures to men and women in a spa-like setting. Your dermatologist will cleanse your skin and may apply an anesthetic lotion or cream. The anesthetic numbs the area, making the treatment more comfortable.

Dermal fillers treatment involves using a fine needle to inject a medically developed solution beneath the skin to enhance facial features, plump and fill lines, grooves, or sunken areas.Your dermatologist uses a thin needle to inject small amounts of fillers under your skin. The needle will pinch or sting, but most people do not feel much pain during these injections. Fillers may be injected into multiple areas by your dermatologist. The entire process may take a few minutes or up to an hour.

What Happens After A Dermal Filler Procedure?

After a dermal filler procedure, your dermatologist will cleanse your skin. They may offer you an ice pack to relieve pain and swelling. You may experience bruises, swelling, or discomfort after receiving the injections. Typically, these side effects are mild and resolve within a few days.

Many people see results immediately after receiving these injections. However, everyone’s results are different. A variety of factors, including the type of treatment you received, determine the time it takes to see results (and how long they last).

What’s The Dermal Fillers Process For A Facial Fat Grafting Procedure?

The dermal fillers process for a facial fat grafting procedure is a little different. First, your dermatologist removes fat from your own body using liposuction. After purifying the fat, they inject it into your face. This is usually an outpatient procedure (you go home the same day).

Because a fat grafting procedure necessitates an extra step, the process is more complicated than receiving off-the-shelf dermal fillers. Following liposuction and facial fat grafting, you may need to rest for up to two weeks. Ask your dermatologist about the recovery time and whether this procedure is right for you.

What Are The Risks Or Complications Of Dermal Fillers?

The risks or complications of dermal fillers are rare, while some side effects are only temporary. But as with any cosmetic surgery procedure, there are risks. They include:

  • Asymmetrical appearance.
  • Bleeding, bruising, redness, pain, and swelling.
  • Skin damage can lead to the formation of scars.
  • In severe cases, the infection can result in necrosis, or the death of the infected skin.
  • Lumps or bumps under your skin.
  • Numbness.
  • Pimples that look similar to acne.
  • Rash and itching.
  • Tenderness around the injection site

Working with a qualified provider, such as Dr. Perfect, helps to mitigate these risks and ensures safe treatment. He is an experienced injector who regularly trains other physicians in the most recent injection techniques, so he knows how to achieve superior results with minimal side effects.

After dermal filler injections, people rarely have vision problems. If you have problems with your eyesight, along with weakness, discomfort, or pain on one side of your body, get immediate medical help.

What Is The Recovery Time After Getting Dermal Fillers?

The recovery time after getting dermal fillers is different for everyone. Your recovery time is based on:

  • How many areas has your healthcare provider treated?
  • The type of filler you received.
  • Your overall health.

After receiving dermal filler injections, the majority of patients can immediately go back to their normal routine. However, your healthcare provider may recommend that you take a day or two off from strenuous exercise or physical activity.

When Should You See A Dermatologist About Dermal Fillers?

You Should see a dermatologist about dermal fillers if you have;

  • Bleeding or pain.
  • Infection symptoms may include fever, redness, and swelling at the injection site.
  • Symptoms of an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis include difficulty breathing and shortness of breath.

A Note From Perfect Doctors Clinic

This is a note from Perfect Doctors Clinic for individuals who want to enhance their appearance. Dermal fillers smooth wrinkles and add volume to sagging skin. Many people choose these injections because the results are noticeable immediately, and the recovery time is short. As with any elective cosmetic procedure, there is a possibility of side effects. Consult your dermatologist about the risks and benefits, as well as the best type of dermal fillers for your needs. If you experience bleeding, pain, swelling, or symptoms of an allergic reaction after receiving these injections, contact your dermatologist.

Dermal Fillers Dubai

Dermal Fillers Dubai offers the best facial enhancements. Every decade of life, we lose between 1 and 2 milliliters of facial volume. Changes associated with aging begin as early as the age of 25. The facial fat pads diminish, resulting in hollowness around the cheeks, under-eyes, and temples. The reduction in bone density and weakening of bone structure contributes to further volume loss. Collagen and elastin breakdown reduces skin firmness, resulting in sagging and hastened aging. Fortunately, Dermal Fillers Dubai injections can give an immediate and effective option for restoring facial volume and a young appearance without the need for surgery. Perfect Doctors Clinic specializes in Dermal Filler injections performed by highly qualified experts.

  • Plump lips.
  • Wrinkles and creases on the face are less severe.
  • Improved contouring.
  • Correction of contour defects.
  • Reduced recessed scars.

Dermal Fillers Benefits

Some benefits of dermal fillers are;

  • Dermal Fillers offer minimal downtime.
  • Dermal Fillers provide immediate and natural-looking results.
  • These fillers improve and redefine facial features.
  • Dermal Fillers contain naturally occurring substances, such as hyaluronic acid.
  • They make skin glowing and youthful.
  • These Fillers promote self-confidence.
  • Your healthcare provider’s office can administer the injections, which typically take less than an hour. 
  • Because it is a nonsurgical treatment for men and women, recovery time is minimal.
  • Results can last months or years depending on the filler. Some fillers can last for more than two years. Dermal fillers are often less expensive than elective surgical procedur

Benefits Of Hyaluronic Acid Of Dermal Fillers

The benefits of Hyaluronic acid of dermal fillers are exceptional. Hyaluronic acid is a commonly used compound in dermal fillers (HA). HA is a naturally occurring substance in our skin that helps it stay hydrated and volumized. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers offers;

  • Intense hydration.
  • Anti-aging properties that slow the aging process.
  • Reduction in fine lines and creates smoother skin.
  • Protective layer against excessive sun exposure.
  • Elimination of pigmentation and blemishes.

Dermal Fillers Brands Used At Perfect Doctors Clinic

Dermal fillers brands used at Perfect Doctors Clinic are;


Juvederm is a number one dermal filler collection in the United States, with six long-lasting fillers to meet specific needs.

  • Juvéderm Voluma corrects volume loss and improves cheek and chin projection.
  • Juvéderm Volux mimics bone structure and enhances the jawline and chin.
  • Juvéderm Ultra 3 is the best filler for lip augmentation due to its long-term effects and natural results.
  • Juvéderm Volbella rejuvenates the undereye area and improves hollowness.
  • Juvéderm Volite is a skin booster that provides long-term hydration.
  • Juvéderm Volift injection smoothes deep wrinkles and skin folds.

Other Brands

  • Alliaxin comes in four different formulations with different molecular weights and specific visco-elastic properties, providing a complete product line for the simultaneous treatment of 12 different facial areas.
  • Revitafill is a hyaluronic acid-based filler with viscoelastic, homogeneous, and cohesive properties.
  • Polyglucosamine, which is found in cytosial, can speed up the production of the extracellular matrix, which includes proteoglycans and collagen. By reducing neutrophil activity, it also mitigates the inflammatory process that microtraumas cause during preparation administration.
  • Belotero: A silky consistency for superficial lines, under eye dark circles, and volume loss.
  • Microcannula: A technique for minimizing discomfort and bruising caused by cosmetic injectables.
  • Radiesse: Tiny calcium hydroxylapatite beads provide immediate volume and stimulate the continuous production of new collagen. Also useful for rejuvenating your hands!
  • The Restylane Family of Fillers Restylane, like Juvederm, smooths and softens wrinkles. Dr. Perfect favors this under eye filler to address volume loss, tear troughs, and dark circles. Restylane fillers include Restylane Silk, Lyft, Defyne, Refyne, Kysse, and Contour, each with their own unique purpose.
  • Sculptra: Poly-L-lactic acid is ideal for panfacial revolumization. It stimulates your body’s own collagen production, resulting in gradual, long-lasting rejuvenation.

Privilege Body Filler

Privilege Body Filler is a HA-based filler for body areas like glutes, calves, scars, and deformities. The combination of an advanced manufacturing process, top-quality raw materials, and a 10 ml format makes it ideal for correcting larger areas and restoring large volumes with Long-lasting dermal fillers in Dubai results.

Understanding your dermal fillers options is important to select the best filler. Here are some pointers to help you along the way. Don’t worry, though, because Dr. Perfect evaluates each of his patients in person, identifies their specific cosmetic concerns, makes recommendations, and develops a personalized cosmetic treatment plan. He offers the latest FDA-approved dermal fillers and consistently incorporates newer fillers into his practice as they receive approval.

Dr. Perfect was one of the first injectors in South Florida to offer Restylane Silk, Juvederm Volbella, Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Kysse, and Restylane Contour shortly after their FDA approval.

Which Areas Are Treated With Dermal Fillers?

Following are the areas treated with dermal fillers:

  • Nasolabial folds are the lines that connect the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Fillers can soften these lines and add volume to the cheeks.
  • Marionette lines, also known as laughter lines, extend downward from the corners of the mouth and can appear to be sadness or depression. Fillers can help to lift and smooth these lines.
  • Lip fillers: People frequently use fillers to boost lip volume, define the lip border, and enhance symmetry.
  • Russian lip fillers: Using lip fillers to enhance and augment your lips can significantly improve your facial appearance in a short period of time. For men and women, the procedure at Perfect Doctors Clinic is non-invasive and non-surgical. Choose between Russian lips, velvet lips, contoured-only lips, and personalized smile designs. This treatment will shape your lips into a subtle heart with more volume near the center, resembling a Russian doll.
  • Cheeks Filler/ midface: Loss of volume in the cheeks can cause a sunken appearance. Fillers can restore volume to the cheeks, resulting in a more youthful contour.
  • Dark circles and hollows under the eyes can make a person look tired or older. Under-Eye Filler or Tear Trough. You can use fillers to fill in these hollows and reduce the visibility of dark circles.
  • Chin Filler: Fillers can enhance the chin’s definition and projection, improving facial balance and harmony.
  • Jawline Fillers can sculpt and define the jawline, giving the face a more angular and youthful appearance.
  • Temples Fillers: Loss of volume in the temples can result in a hollow or gaunt appearance. Fillers can help restore volume in this area, resulting in a smoother, more youthful contour.
  • Nose filler (non-surgical rhinoplasty): Without surgery, fillers can reshape and contour the nose to correct minor imperfections or asymmetries.
  • You can use dermal body fillers to improve and rejuvenate various areas below the neck. Dermal body fillers commonly target the buttocks, calf, hip dip, and hands.
  • Corners of mouth: Reverse the downturn in the corners of the mouth that occurs with aging.
  • Frown lines are used in conjunction with Botox.
  • Forehead lines are deep lines on the forehead that Botox cannot completely treat.
  • Hands: Treat volume loss in the hands caused by aging; reduce the appearance of veins and tendons in the hands.
  • Neck lines: Filler in “necklace lines” on the neck
  • Prejowl: treat volume loss just before the jowl but to the side of the chin.

At Perfect Doctors Clinic, we provide a personalized approach to anti-aging and cosmetic injections, combining the latest injectable products to suit each patient’s age requirements for a bespoke result.

Dermal fillers used to treat the areas on the face are injected by Dr. perfect. He is an expert in facial aesthetics. Years of training and experience have honed his advanced injection techniques, enabling him to inject areas of the face that amateur or untrained injectors typically avoid.

Dermal Fillers Dissolving At Perfect Doctors Clinic

Dermal fillers dissolving at Perfect Doctors Clinic are quick and effective. Hyaluronic acid (HA)-based dermal fillers dissolve naturally. Depending on the type and consistency of the product, metabolizing a dermal filler can take anywhere from 5 months to 2 years. If the results of a filler injection do not meet the client’s expectations, HA-based dermal fillers can be dissolved using an enzyme known as hyaluronidase. However, semi-permanent dermal fillers made from materials other than hyaluronic acid do not respond to the action of the dissolving agent. It is critical to seek professional advice to avoid the need to dissolve dermal fillers due to poor results and subpar products. At Perfect Doctors Clinic, we specialize in dermal filler injections, and our experienced and skilled doctors deliver natural and transformative results.

Dermal Fillers For Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Or Nose Filler

Dermal Fillers for non-surgical rhinoplasty or nose filler is a popular cosmetic procedure. The nose is the face’s central feature, influencing overall facial harmony and symmetry. Many Dermal fillers, instead of surgical intervention, can immediately improve minor irregularities that many people have at birth. Known as nose filler, non-surgical rhinoplasty is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that involves injecting dermal fillers into specific areas of the nose to correct asymmetry and enhance its appearance, all without the risk of scarring or social downtime. treatment is suitable for clients who want a more defined nose bridge, a projected nasal tip, and a well-balanced facial profile. At Perfect Doctors Clinic, our expert doctors will provide a comprehensive consultation to meet the clients’ unique needs for enhancing their overall facial features without the need for surgery or a lengthy recovery period.

Meet Dr. Perfect For Dermal Fillers

Dr. Perfect for dermal fillers is a nationally recognized expert in facial aesthetic medicine and cosmetic dermatology, specializing in injectable treatments for nonsurgical Best dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation and skin rejuvenation. Dr. Perfect is committed to fostering innovation and excellence, providing high-quality patient care, and advancing the field of facial aesthetics. For top-notch care from one of Perfect Doctors Clinic’s most skilled injectors, contact Dr. Perfect at +971561917976.

Women and men in Dubai are increasingly turning to Dr. Perfect for dermal fillers that produce natural, subtle, beautiful, and believable results.

It’s important to understand that wrinkles are invisible to the human eye. An underlying wrinkle casts a shadow due to the uneven contours of the skin. The key to a youthful face is to minimize shadows and smooth facial transitions.

What Are The Preoperative Instructions For Dermal Fillers?

Following are the preoperative instructions for dermal fillers injections;

  • Please don’t wear makeup on the day of treatment.
  • To reduce the risk of bruising, avoid using blood thinners like those listed below for 7 days prior to your treatment. Importantly, if your doctor has prescribed blood thinners or other medications (including aspirin), do not stop taking them.
  • Fish Oil
  • Aspirin
  • Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, and Aleve)
  • Ginger contains vitamin E.
  • Supplements: Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng.
  • Saint John’s Wort
  • If you have cold sores, please call our office, and Dr. Perfect will write you a prescription for a medication like Valtrex to help prevent cold sores from recurring after your treatment.
  • Drink water and eat something before your appointment.
  • Do not schedule any dental procedures two weeks before or two weeks after your filler treatment.

How Long Do The Results From Dermal Fillers Last?

The duration of results from dermal fillers depends on each individual. Of course, every patient’s body is unique, and the response to fillers will vary depending on factors such as diet, exercise, baseline metabolism, sun exposure, and smoking. In general, Dr. Perfect suggests maintenance treatments so that the results never completely return to normal.

He also recommends that all patients begin an at-home skincare routine to maintain their results. This regimen usually consists of antioxidants, sunscreen, moisturizers, and retinol. 

Dr. Perfect’s experience using these products for his own patients has led to the following general guidelines for filler longevity:

  • Restylane Silk (4-7 months)
  • Juvederm Volbella (5-12 months)
  • Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne: 10-12 months.
  • Restylane: 10–12 months.
  • Restylane Lyft: 10–12 months.
  • Restylane Kysse: 10 to 12 months.
  • Restylane Contour: 10 to 12 months.
  • Radiesse: 10–12 months.
  • Juvederm Ultra and Juvederm Ultra Plus: 10 to 12 months
  • Juvederm Voluma (10-15 months)
  • Sculptra: 24-plus months

Fillers can last longer or shorter on different parts of the face. Lips, for example, have a lot of movement, so filler breaks down faster. Filler injected in the under eyes, cheeks, and temples usually lasts longer because they have less movement. Dr. Perfect believes that the times listed above are accurate based on his own experience treating thousands of patients with fillers.

How Do Dermal Fillers And Botox Cosmetic Differ?

Dermal fillers and botox cosmetic are different in a way each treatment targets specific types of wrinkles and facial concerns. We use both dermal fillers and BOTOX Cosmetic to treat signs of aging. 

Dermal fillers are injectable substances made up of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxylapatite. They increase volume, smooth wrinkles, and improve facial contours.

BOTOX Cosmetic, on the other hand, is an injectable neuromodulator that temporarily paralyzes muscles. Repeated facial movements cause dynamic wrinkles, such as frown lines and crow’s feet, which BOTOX Cosmetic reduces.

How Can You Ensure Your Dermal Fillers Results Look Natural?

You can ensure your dermal fillers results look natural by following these tips;

  • Select a skilled Dermatologist. Choose a cosmetic dermatologist with extensive experience administering fillers, such as Dr. Perfect.
  • Conduct a thorough consultation. Discuss your aesthetic goals and concerns to ensure the treatment plan meets your expectations. 
  • Consider subtle enhancements. Begin with small amounts of filler to gradually achieve the desired look.
  • Follow the aftercare instructions. In individuals, post-appointment care can improve results and reduce side effects.
  • Following a dermal fillers injection, you should follow postoperative instructions to ensure proper results and faster recovery;
    • To help reduce swelling, apply an ice pack or ice wrapped in a cloth to the treatment area for the first 24 hours after your filler treatment. Avoid placing ice directly on your skin.
    • For 24 hours after your treatment, avoid exercising or engaging in any other activities that may cause your face to become red or flushed.
    • You may begin applying make-up four hours after treatment.
    • Unless otherwise instructed, do not rub or massage the treated area for 24 hours following treatment. After the injection, Sculptra patients will receive instructions to massage the treatment areas.
    • Avoid sun and UV exposure until the swelling and redness have subsided. Sunscreen should always be used properly.
  • Maintain a consistent maintenance schedule. Maintain your desired appearance by scheduling regular touch-up appointments.

Who Are The Ideal Candidates For Dermal Fillers?

Both males and females are ideal candidates for dermal fillers, if they have;

  • Skin condition: Is your skin healthy, with no active infections or other conditions?
  • Aesthetic goals: Are you looking to reduce wrinkles, improve facial contours, or add volume?
  • Realistic expectations: Are you aware of fillers’ potential outcomes and limitations?
  • Overall good health: Are you in generally excellent health, with no serious underlying conditions?
  • Quit Smoking: Do you smoke? Nonsmokers experience a smoother healing process and better results.
  • Commitment to maintenance: Will you adhere to post-appointment care and attend follow-up sessions?

Consult Dr. Perfect to determine your suitability. He can provide personalized advice and help you decide whether you’re a suitable candidate for fillers. He will also let you know if another service is more appropriate.

Schedule Your Dermal Fillers Consultation In Dubai!

Schedule your dermal fillers consultation in Dubai at our skincare Clinic, where all cosmetic treatments are conducted by or under the supervision of Dr. Perfect. To schedule your appointment, call +971561917976 today.

Why Choose Dermal Fillers in Dubai for Aesthetics Medical Tourism?

Choose Dermal Fillers in Dubai for Aesthetics Medical Tourism because it’s the ideal air travel destination for all skincare treatments and plastic surgery. Here are the numerical reasons why Dermal Fillers Dubai Aesthetics Medical Tourism stands out compared to visiting other countries:

  1. Prices Could start at AED 590 (after discounts).
  2. Easy to find recommended and trusted voted Top 10 Dermal Fillers Aesthetic Clinics in the GCC right here in the city of Dubai
  3. If available, some offer Dermal Fillers at a 20% discount with a loyalty card.
  4. Uses accredited, high-quality DHA and MOH approved Dermal Fillers Skin rejuvenation anti-aging products from the United States USA, United Kingdom UK, Italy, France, Spain or Germany.
  5. Dermal Fillers luxury clinics in prime locations, including Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 1 – Jumeirah.
  6. Many clinics are Awarded Best Aesthetics Clinic in Dubai at the MEA Business Awards for Dermal Fillers skin care products every year.
  7. Some of them offer Dermal Fillers 0% Interest Installment loan plan payment in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi with 100% Financing or bank personal loan.
  8. Scientifically proven to be safe, effective, and relatively long-lasting.
  9. Top-Quality Service and Products at Guaranteed Best Prices.
  10. Some of them offers Free doctor’s consultation and dedicated medical spa
  11. DHA-certified doctors and specialists with a minimum of 10 years of experience perform procedures and consultations.
  12. Open daily from 9:00am to 9:00pm.
  13. Free valet parking during your Dermal Fillers treatment

Call to the clinic! Patients don’t need extra costs from any healthcare Aesthetic Medical tourism agency for Dermal Fillers or plastic surgery in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi UAE. Save money and book cosmetic surgery packages directly. 
For plastic surgery and Dermal Fillers Aesthetic medical reasons you could get a quick rapid tourist visa for health purposes in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi UAE. Dubai also offers tourist visa on arrival for citizens of many countries especially for medical health treatments with a medical report from a licensed health facility host.
When you choose Perfect Doctors Clinic for Dermal Fillers, you are entrusting your care to Dr. Perfect. He is a top cosmetic dermatologist and a pioneer in injectable treatments. His practice is well-known for providing exceptional patient satisfaction. He and his team have received hundreds of 5-star reviews from satisfied patients, who have seen remarkable results and value Dr. Perfect’s personalized approach to patient care.
Perfect Doctors Clinic, located in Dubai, has a modern facility with comfortable and discreet treatment rooms. This luxurious and private setting provides a relaxing atmosphere. It is the best option for all your aesthetic requirements.

Best Dermal Fillers Reviews Offers Near Me Dubai Jumeirah

When I searched and looked for Dermal Fillers reviews ratings and clinic offers for this treatment on the map, Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Clinic is where I found the best Dermal Fillers in Dubai Jumeirah

How Much Is The Cost Of Dermal Fillers In Dubai?

For male and female, the average cost of Dermal Fillers in Dubai Jumeirah starts at AED 595 (excluding VAT). 
Affordable Costs of Dermal Fillers vary depending on the treatment complexity, the quantity and quality of the product’s brand, and the dermatologist’s, surgeon’s, and GP’s aesthetic specialist’s expertise (a consultation is expected for an exact final price).
Men and women should be wary of many plastic surgeons, dermatologists, GP aesthetic specialists, or clinics offering a very low cost without safety.
Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Clinic in Dubai Jumeirah, UAE, will quote you with a reasonable Dermal Fillers cost. Book your consultation here today or call us now at +971561917976.

Are Dermal Fillers To The Face And Body Very Common For Anti-Aging Skin Rejuvenation?

Anti-aging for skin rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers to the face and body are very common; people in the United States and Dubai are choosing to get them every year.