1. 30+ years of Experience Our Best Sculptra Dermatologist In Dubai Jumeirah Abu Dhabi UAE utilize the very latest techniques for women and men aesthetics treatments transformation (Sculptra, Nonsurgical butt lift, Nasolabial Fold Fillers, Cheek fillers, Lip Fillers Augmentation, Dermal Fillers injections, Juvederm Fillers, Nose Fillers, Chin Fillers, Jawline Fillers, Butt fillers augmentation, Hip Dips Fillers, body fillers, Sculptra Fillers)
  2. Perfect Doctors Dubai Aesthetics Clinic is the best Sculptra Treatments Clinic in dubai


NonSurgical Butt Lift in Dubai
NonSurgical Butt Lift In Abu Dhabi

Sculptra is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that can help restore volume and improve facial contours. We inject poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic material, into the skin to stimulate collagen production and gradually restore lost volume. Sculptra facial treatment can help to minimize the appearance of wrinkles, folds, and sagging skin. Sculptra is a popular choice for those who want a more natural-looking, long-lasting result than temporary fillers.


Sculptra in Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE is a cosmetic to help you achieve these results and benefits:

  • Improving facial volume and contours by stimulating collagen production.
  • Providing long-lasting results for up to two years or more.
  • Offering minimal downtime allows you to return to your normal activities shortly after the procedure.
  • Treating various areas of the face, including the cheeks, temples, jawline, and nasolabial folds.


Check out top satisfied patients’ photos, and best results for before and after Sculptra images in Jumeirah Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE The money, effort, and time you put into this procedure are surely worth it.

*Booking a Clinic Sculptra appointment for International visitors or citizens coming from Al Ain and Sharjah can be done by phone at +971561917976. 

(USA American UK and European safety standards) for Sculptra Booking with the best dermatologist or plastic surgeon for male and female patients

Sculptra FAQs

What Is Sculptra?

Sculptra is a cosmetic injectable procedure that stimulates collagen production to improve skin quality, volume, and thickness. It differs from hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, however, in that it stimulates fibroblasts to produce new collagen fibers, whereas HA fillers physically occupy the space beneath the tissue to smooth wrinkles. Sculptra provides gradual and natural results, as opposed to HA fillers, which simply add volume for immediate results. 

Poly-L-lactic acid makes up Sculptra, a gel-like substance. It is a type of dermal filler. This cosmetic procedure employs FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid to reduce deep wrinkles in your skin. The Sculptra treatment is an effective anti-aging treatment that regenerates the skin from within. The treatment is FDA-approved and suitable for all skin types and tones.

A dermatologist will inject this filler beneath your skin to give you a fuller or smoother appearance. The skin, connective tissues, bones, and cartilage all contain collagen, a protein that provides structure, support, and strength. Our skin’s collagen density decreases with age, as does its rate of synthesis. This leads to a loss of dermal structure and reduced skin thickness, resulting in wrinkles and age spots. Thus, in order to combat the signs of aging, various methods of exogenous collagen supplementation have grown in popularity.

Sculptra buttock injections produce long-lasting, gradual, and natural results, making it stand out from other injectable formulas. Because of its appearance-improving mechanisms, it is a one-of-a-kind treatment on the market.

What Is Poly-l-lactic Acid In Sculptra?

Poly-l-lactic acid in Sculptra is a synthetic, biodegradable material that has a wide range of medical and cosmetic applications. It is the primary ingredient in Sculptra dermal filler and is responsible for plumping the skin’s subdermal and dermal layers. It adds volume, fills wrinkles and fine lines, and rejuvenates the skin. When injected, it instantly rejuvenates the face. Numerous beauty products, including anti-aging facial creams, contain this potent chemical compound.

Science has proven that poly-L-lactic acid increases the production of elastin and collagen, two important proteins that help keep the skin firm and structurally consistent. However, as the skin matures, these proteins decrease, and aging signs appear on the face. This potent component combats the signs of aging at its core.

So, if you’re looking for anti-aging treatments in Dubai, Sculptra is the best option.

Why Is Sculptra Treatment Special?

Sculptra treatment is special because it restores the natural freshness of the face and combats the signs of aging. Sculptra treatment involves injecting a unique solution into subdermal skin areas with fine needles. The Sculptra injectable solution contains a unique formula: 

microspheres made of poly-L-lactic acid. This is the primary active ingredient in this special solution, and it stimulates the production of elastin and collagen deep within the skin. Injecting Sculptra into the skin allows the body to absorb and process the microspheres, leading to rejuvenated, youthful-looking facial skin.

What Are The Targeted Areas For Sculptra?

The targeted areas for Sculptra are those where skin laxity and wrinkles are appearing. Sculptra is a non-surgical injectable that reduces age-related facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds, also known as “smile lines” between the nose and mouth. Sculptra also addresses fine lines and wrinkles around the chin. Additionally, it can be used for:

  • Sculptra for buttocks include buttock augmentation, nonsurgical buttlift, and correction of chest, elbow, and knee wrinkles.
  • Sculptra for cellulite correction
  • Sculptra has also gained popularity among those looking to bulk up their appearance!
  • Sculptra aids in creating definition and a toned appearance of additional muscle mass.
  • Biceps and triceps muscles
  • pectorals, thighs, and glutes

People also ask about where Sculptra is injected? Sculptra is injected into different areas of your body with lines and wrinkles that you want to smooth out. The most common areas for Sculptra injections are:

  • Buttocks.
  • Hips.

When used in some of the most popular muscle groups, Sculptra can be an effective way to transform the body into a better shape, even providing that chiseled “V”-shaped chest. However, we do not recommend using Sculptra on the eyelids, nose, or red lips.

What Can Sculptra Treatment Help Improve?

Sculptra treatment helps to improve skin concerns related to aging. It is versatile and can treat a variety of skin issues related to volume loss and aging. The treatment stimulates collagen production, resulting in smoother, firmer, plumper skin. You can inject it into the middle of the face or between the cheekbones and the chin. Sculptra is able to treat the following skin conditions:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Marionette lines
  • The lines around the mouth are also known as smile lines.
  • Nasolabial Lines
  • Wrinkles on your chin
  • Hollow cheeks and temples.
  • The décolletage has wrinkles.
  • Skin elasticity
  • Dry skin.
  • Skin texture and tone are uneven.
  • In addition to being an effective wrinkle treatment, Sculptra can improve facial symmetry, contours, and acne scars.

Inject this dermal filler into the following facial areas:

  • Cheeks and around the eyes
  • The jawline and the area around the mouth and nose, including the chin, are crucial features to consider.
  • Dubai’s leading Sculptra treatment, also known as a liquid facelift, is extremely effective in treating these facial areas and skin issues. Sculptra face lift produces incredible results without surgery or downtime.

What Are The Indications For Sculptra?

The indications for Sculptra are for those who want to address multiple signs of aging. 

  • They need to treat skin laxity or reduce fat.
  • Sculptra is not recommended for use on diseased or damaged tissue, and it is not intended for use by
  • You suffer from acne, cysts, rashes, or any other form of skin infection.
  • Symptoms of severe allergies include severe scarring and frequent skin inflammation.

What Are The Benefits Of Sculptra Treatment In Dubai?

The benefits of Sculptra treatment in Dubai are;

  • This treatment is extremely versatile and can do so much for the skin. This dermal filler is one of the longest-lasting, with results visible for up to two years.
  • It increases collagen and elastin production and prepares the skin for future aging factors. Natural collagen works much better than any other collagen facial cream at reducing the signs of aging. The body continues to build up collagen even after fully absorbing and processing the poly-L-lactic acid. Some patients respond better to this treatment than others, and the benefits last longer than two years.
  • The Sculptra treatment in Dubai takes aesthetic enhancements to the next level. It softens the facial contours and adds volume to facial features. When injected along the lines of the bones in the face, particularly in the area where the hollowness is most visible, it softens the lines and gives a more youthful appearance. Sculptra Dubai is a great treatment for improving skin laxity, firming, and thickening thin skin.
  • The treatment gives gradual results. It takes a little longer to see results because the body needs time to metabolize the poly-L-lactic acid and begin producing collagen. However, once the results begin to show, patients enjoy their rejuvenated and naturally enhanced faces for a long time.
  • Sculptra treatment in Dubai is particularly popular because it addresses the region’s unique skin challenges, such as intense sun exposure and dry air, both of which can accelerate aging. Dubai is known for attracting people from all over the world seeking the latest and most advanced beauty enhancements, including Perfect Doctors Clinic, which offers Sculptra as an ideal solution for those looking to restore volume, firmness, and a youthful appearance. The treatment’s long-lasting results make it a sought-after option for men and women who want to keep their skin healthy in this dynamic environment.

Who Are The Good Candidates For Sculptra Treatment?

Both males and females are good candidates for sculptra treatment including those who want to restore volume to hollow cheeks or temples and have age-related skin concerns may benefit from Sculptra treatment. The treatment is appropriate for both men and women aged 25 to 75 years.

You are an ideal candidate for Sculptra if:

  • You want to restore volume and firmness to hollow areas of your face that have formed due to aging or weight loss.
  • You want a filler that gives your face a natural look and feel, with long-lasting results.

However, it is always best to seek advice from dermatologists and aestheticians before deciding whether or not to proceed with this treatment.

Who Should Avoid Sculptra Treatment?

Both males and females should avoid Sculptra treatment who want to see immediate results.

  • Patients with certain autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and vasculitis, should avoid this treatment. Prior to treatment, the patient should consult with the dermatologist about his or her medical conditions.
  • This treatment is not appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as patients under the age of 18.
  • If the patient is experiencing current skin issues such as rashes, outbreaks, cold sores, cysts, or other skin inflammations, they should wait until these conditions resolve.
  • If the patient is prone to overgrown scars, keloids, hypertrophic scars, or mild overgrown scars, he or she should seek alternative treatment. In these skin issues, the body produces too much collagen at the healing points, which is not beneficial to the patient.
  • If the patient is currently taking blood-thinning medicines such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication, he or she should consult with a dermatologist to determine whether Sculptra is an appropriate treatment for men.
  • Patients who are allergic to any of the formula’s ingredients should not use Sculptra, despite its safety.

How Long Does Sculptra Last?

The duration of Sculptra will last for more than two years. Sculptra is not a permanent solution for deep wrinkles. You may need multiple injections every few years to keep your results.

What Are The Results Of The Sculptra Fillers?

The results of the Sculptra fillers are different from other injectables in that it stimulates collagen production over a period of 3 to 4 months. Every patient is unique, and some see results shortly after their first session. It takes several weeks to see Sculptra results. Generally, the results are visible after four to six weeks of treatment. This is because stimulating fibroblasts and producing collagen takes time. However, after the first month post-treatment, the patient should notice that their skin is firmer and plumper. The patient’s body continues to build up collagen, enhancing the effects of the Sculptra treatment.

On average, three Sculptra treatments spaced one month apart yield the best results. The patient can maintain the new, refreshed appearance with touch-up treatments two years after achieving the desired results. After the final treatment session, the results can last for two years or more.

How Does Sculptra Work?

Sculptra works by injecting it in deep dermis, or subcutaneous layer, of the skin. Initially, the injected volume immediately (temporarily) fills wrinkles or corrects volume defects. Within a few days of injection, the body absorbs water and other constituents, leaving the Sculptra particles in place, leading to the uncorrected appearance of wrinkles or volume defects.

Sculptra particles soon recruit and fuse macrophages to giant cells, attracting fibroblasts that begin depositing collagen and providing structure to the skin. Sculptra particles degrade over time, but the collagen deposits they form remain intact, providing results that can last up to two years.

What Happens Before A Sculptra Injection?

Before a Sculptra injection, a dermatologist specializing in fillers will meet with you. The dermatologist will conduct a consultation to gather more information about you.

  • Overall health, including allergies.
  • The procedure’s objectives.
  • You are currently taking any medications, vitamins, or supplements.
  • Do you have any history of similar cosmetic procedures?

During the consultation, your provider may:

  • Determine whether or not you are healthy enough for the procedure.
  • Discuss various types of fillers, including Sculptra.
  • Take photos to see how your skin looks before and after treatment.
  • Explain the risks, potential side effects, and complications that may arise.
  • Set a date for the procedure.
  • Answer any questions you may have regarding the procedure.

The pre-treatment care for Sculptra includes;

  • Avoid blood-thinning supplements like vitamin E and ginkgo.
  • Do not use retinol or acid products.
  • Drink plenty of water!
  • Do not use aspirin or NSAIDs.
  • Do not consume alcohol.
  • Avoid exfoliating your skin.

What Happens During A Sculptra Injection?

During a Sculptra injection, your dermatologist will follow these steps;

  • Your dermatologist will cleanse the area of skin where you will receive an injection.
  • They may administer a topical anesthetic to numb the area of your skin so that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort.
  • They will use a small needle to inject filler underneath your skin. You may feel some pressure, but you should not experience pain.

The treatment time can vary, but it typically lasts between 20 and 30 minutes.

What Is The Recovery Time For A Sculptra Injection?

The recovery time for a Sculptra injection is relatively short when compared to other cosmetic treatments. After a Sculptra Injection, you will follow the following instructions;

  • Once your dermatologist has finished administering the Sculptra injection, you can resume your usual activities. 
  • To minimize swelling and/or bruising, apply an ice pack (wrapped in a clean cloth) to the treated area every now and then after treatment. 
  • Avoid direct contact between the ice and the skin.
  • For 5 days after each treatment, men should massage the treated area in a circular motion for 5 minutes, 5 times per day. This helps to evenly disperse the substance and promote natural-looking correction.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning until any swelling or redness has subsided.
  • Avoid all unnecessary physical activities for the first 24 hours after treatment.
  • You should avoid strenuous activities for a few days. There may be bruising or swelling at the injection site, which will subside after a few days. 
  • If you are sore, you can take over-the-counter NSAIDs as directed by your dermatologist. 
  • Within a month of the injection, you should notice that your skin looks plumper or fuller.

What Is The 5-5-5 Rule After Sculptra In Dubai?

The 5-5-5 rule after Sculptra in Dubai is a post-treatment care guideline for patients to ensure optimal results. It involves massaging the treated area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days following the procedure. This helps to evenly distribute the product and promote better absorption, contributing to smoother and more natural-looking results. Always follow the specific aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to achieve the best outcomes from your Sculptra treatment in Dubai.

Is Sculptra Safe?

Yes, Sculptra is a safe type of dermal filler and approved by the FDA. Your dermatologist will determine whether you are a candidate for the procedure based on your current health and goals. It may not work if you are allergic to the filler’s ingredients or have trouble healing after an injury.

What Are The Risks Of Sculptra Procedure?

The risks of Sculptra procedure are;

  • Swelling.
  • Bruising
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Pain or discomfort.
  • Itching.
  • Bumps, or lumps, under the skin.

When Should You See A Dermatologist After Sculptra?

You should see a dermatologist after sculptra if you have bruising that lasts more than a week or severe pain at your injection site that does not go away after taking over-the-counter NSAIDs.

Can Sculptra Be Used On Hip Dips?

Yes, Sculptra can be used on hip dips. A hip dip is a pelvis shape in which your hip bone is higher than your femur. A hip dip causes your muscles and fat to curve inward. Hip dips can be found where your hip meets your thigh. Not everyone has a hip dip.

Some people with hip dips don’t like the indentation and choose to get dermal fillers like Sculptra to smooth out this area.

Is Sculptra Painful?

No, Sculptra is not painful. Most people consider Sculptra treatments to be less painful than other types of dermal fillers. People often compare the injection process to receiving a series of flu shots.

How Many Sessions Are Needed For Sculptra?

A series of 2-3 sessions are needed for Sculptra to achieve best outcomes. The number of sessions may vary depending on your specific needs and goals.

How Often Should You Get Sculptra?

You should get Sculptra after every two-years to sustain the results. An expert can advise you on the best frequency of treatments based on your skin type and desired look.

If you want a treatment that addresses multiple signs of aging and want to look natural and long-lasting, Sculptra may be the right option for you. Speak with your dermatologist, who will advise you on a safe and appropriate procedure.

How Common Are Dermal Fillers With Sculptra Done?

Dermal fillers with sculptra are commonly done because Sculptra is a type of dermal filler which is popular for facial rejuvenation. On average, 3,410,730 soft tissue dermal fillers procedures were performed in 2020. Sculptra performed 134,123 procedures out of that total.

What’s The Difference Between Sculptra And Other Common Dermal Fillers?

The difference between Sculptra and other common dermal fillers are the availability of numerous dermal fillers. Sculptra, unlike other popular wrinkle-reducing fillers, is a permanent filler, which means it works to increase facial volume while decreasing wrinkles. You can select the appropriate filler based on your treatment goals with the assistance of a health professional who specializes in cosmetic procedures. In addition to Sculptra, other common dermal fillers include:

  • Juvéderm is a hyaluronic acid filler that plumps and hydrates the skin.
  • Radiesse Sculptra is a calcium hydroxylapatite filler that promotes collagen production, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Can We Combine Sculptra With Other Aesthetic Treatments In Dubai?

Yes, we can combine Sculptra with other aesthetic treatments in Dubai. Women and Men’s Sculptra treatment offers the flexibility to combine with other aesthetic procedures, enhancing overall results. It goes well with:

  • Botox® Treatment
  • Chemical peels
  • The Facial Microdermabrasion
  • The patient can discuss combining treatments with the dermatologist to achieve all of their aesthetic objectives.

The Sculptra treatment will plump up the facial appearance. Perfect Doctors Clinic’s clients are extremely pleased with the treatment’s results and feel more confident in their rejuvenated and restored beauty.

How Many Ampoules Are Necessary For Sculptra?

The number of ampoules necessary for Sculptra depends on each patient. We carefully measure the amount of solution before administering dermal fillers. The patient’s age and the severity of the skin problems are considered. For example, if a patient is 30 years old, he or she requires 3 ampoules; if the patient is 50, he or she requires 5 ampoules, and so on.

The number of ampoules also determines how many treatment sessions are required. Typically, a single treatment session injects only two ampoules, necessitating three treatments for a 50-year-old patient to achieve optimal results.

What Is the Downtime And Side Effects Of Sculptra?

The downtime and side effects of Sculptra is little to no. Most patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately after the procedure.

There are only minor side effects, such as swelling, bruising, and redness at the injection sites. The temporary nature of these side effects should resolve within a few days. Other possible sensations include mild pain, itching, bumps, and tenderness.

To relieve sensitivity, patients can apply cold packs to the treated areas within the first 24 hours. They should also massage the treated areas for 5 minutes each day. Avoid excessive sunlight or tanning beds for a week after the procedure.

Can Sculptra Go Wrong?

No Sculptra can never go wrong. While Sculptra is generally considered safe and effective when administered by experienced professionals, there might always be mild side effects, as with any cosmetic procedure. Choosing a reputable clinic with experienced practitioners, like Perfect Doctors Clinic, minimizes these risks and helps ensure a safe and successful treatment. Always follow post-treatment care instructions and communicate with your practitioner if you experience any concerns.

Does Sculptra Look Natural?

Yes, Sculptra looks natural. It works by stimulating your body to produce more collagen, relying on its natural ability to do so. It may not happen overnight, but you will notice and feel a difference in your skin over time—and there will be no painful or invasive procedures required along the way.

Does Sculptra Lift The Face?

Yes, Sculptra can lift the face. Sculptra is a natural material that was the first to be FDA-approved for lifting and refining facial contours. Sculptra for face lifting cosmetic ingredients replenishes the volume in specific areas of your face that have lost collagen, fat, and soft tissue over time. Furthermore, due to its natural genesis, Sculptra can complement other injectable procedures instead of taking their place.

Is Sculptra Better Than Botox?

Sculptra is better than botox in terms of its benefits. Botox is a mixture of botulinum toxins that act as a paralytic on the facial muscles, resulting in fewer wrinkles over time. Sculptra, on the other hand, uses poly-L-lactic acid to stimulate collagen growth within the dermal layers of the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance that lasts longer than Botox.

You can see Botox results in as little as a few days, with improvements typically continuing for weeks or months after treatment. Sculptra rarely yields positive results within a month or two, as it requires time to stimulate collagen production and plump fine lines and wrinkles from the inside out.

Why Choose A Perfect Doctors Clinic For Sculptra In Dubai?

Choose Perfect Doctors Clinic for Sculptra in Dubai because they prioritize your aesthetic goals and overall satisfaction. Our experienced practitioners have received extensive training in administering Sculptra treatments, ensuring precision and safety throughout the process. We use cutting-edge technology and techniques to achieve the best results, promoting long-lasting, natural-looking enhancements. We tailor each treatment plan for men and women to your unique requirements, providing you with a personalized approach to skin rejuvenation. Trust our Sculptra Dubai experts to deliver the best results.

Schedule Your Sculptra Treatment In Dubai Today!

Schedule your Sculptra treatment in Dubai today to restore volume and regain your youthful glow. At Perfect Doctors Clinic, our dedicated team is here to walk you through each step, ensuring a pleasant and rewarding experience. Get in touch with us now to schedule your consultation and begin your journey to rejuvenate skin. The Perfect Doctors Clinic has the expertise to transform your appearance.

Why Choose Sculptra in Dubai for Aesthetics Medical Tourism?

Choose Sculptra in Dubai for Aesthetics Medical Tourism because it’s the ideal air travel destination for all skincare treatments and plastic surgery. Here are the numerical reasons why Dubai Aesthetics Medical Tourism stands out compared to visiting other countries:

  1. Prices Could start at AED 590 (after discounts).
  2. Easy to find recommended and trusted voted Top 10 Sculptra Aesthetic Clinics in the GCC right here in the city of Dubai
  3. If available, some offer Sculptra at a 20% discount with a loyalty card.
  4. Uses accredited, high-quality DHA and MOH approved Sculptra Skin rejuvenation anti-aging products from the United States USA, United Kingdom UK, Italy, France, Spain or Germany.
  5. Sculptra luxury clinics in prime locations, including Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 1 – Jumeirah.
  6. Many clinics are Awarded Best Aesthetics Clinic in Dubai at the MEA Business Awards for Sculptra skin care products every year.
  7. Some of them offer Sculptra 0% Interest Installment loan plan payment in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi with 100% Financing or bank personal loan.
  8. Scientifically proven to be safe, effective, and relatively long-lasting.
  9. Top-Quality Service and Products at Guaranteed Best Prices.
  10. Some of them offers Free doctor’s consultation and dedicated medical spa
  11. DHA-certified doctors and specialists with a minimum of 10 years of experience perform procedures and consultations.
  12. Open daily from 9:00am to 9:00pm.
  13. Free valet parking during your Sculptra treatment

Call to the clinic! Patients don’t need extra costs from any healthcare Aesthetic Medical tourism agency for Sculptra or plastic surgery in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi UAE. Save money and book cosmetic surgery packages directly. 
For plastic surgery and Sculptra Aesthetic medical reasons you could get a quick rapid tourist visa for health purposes in dubai jumeirah abu dhabi UAE. Dubai also offers tourist visa on arrival for citizens of many countries especially for medical health treatments with a medical report from a licensed health facility host.
When you choose Perfect Doctors Clinic for Sculptra, you are entrusting your care to Dr. Perfect. He is a top cosmetic dermatologist and a pioneer in injectable treatments. His practice is well-known for providing exceptional patient satisfaction. He and his team have received hundreds of 5-star reviews from satisfied patients, who have seen remarkable results and value Dr. Perfect’s personalized approach to patient care.
Perfect Doctors Clinic, located in Dubai, has a modern facility with comfortable and discreet treatment rooms. This luxurious and private setting provides a relaxing atmosphere. It is the best option for all your aesthetic requirements.

Best Sculptra Reviews Offers Near Me Dubai Jumeirah

When I searched and looked for Sculptra reviews ratings and clinic offers for this treatment on the map, Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Clinic is where I found the best Sculptra in Dubai Jumeirah

How Much Is The Cost Of Sculptra In Dubai?

For male and female, the average cost of Sculptra in Dubai Jumeirah starts at AED 2499 (excluding VAT). 
Affordable Costs of Sculptra vary depending on the treatment complexity, the quantity and quality of the product’s brand, and the dermatologist’s, surgeon’s, and GP’s aesthetic specialist’s expertise (a consultation is expected for an exact final price).
Men and women should be wary of many plastic surgeons, dermatologists, GP aesthetic specialists, or clinics offering a very low cost without safety.
Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Clinic in Dubai Jumeirah, UAE, will quote you with a reasonable Sculptra cost. Book your consultation here today or call us now at +971561917976.


Anti-aging for skin rejuvenation with Sculptra to the face and body are very common; people in the United States and Dubai are choosing to get them every year.