This woman wants her huge, ancient breast implants removed. Dr. Perfect Doctors took out the implants and did a breast lift to improve her breast contour.
Dr. Perfect Doctor removed her implants and adjusted her breasts to achieve the natural shape she wanted.
An older woman in her 50s removed her breast implants. She wanted natural breasts back and refused breast implants.
This 60-year-old woman with a history of breast augmentation and lift needed a lumpectomy and radiation for breast cancer. Dr. Perfect Doctors removed her implants and reshaped her breast left to improve her look and cancer care.
This woman had previous breast implants that she wanted removed. She was worried about having droopy breasts thereafter, so Dr. Perfect Doctors performed a contemporaneous breast lift to help her shape.
Dr. Perfect Doctors conducted an en bloc capsulectomy breast implant removal and breast lift on a 70-year-old woman in order to remove her implants and improve her breast look.
This 30-year-old woman developed capsular contracture in both breasts. Dr. Perfect Doctors performed an en bloc capsulectomy breast implant removal treatment, which involved removing both the implants and the scar tissue capsule while also doing a breast lift to give her the desired smaller, softer breast shape.
She removed her breast implants in her 30s. Dr. Perfect Doctors removed breast implants in-office under local anesthesia. He removed her implants and reshaped her breasts for naturalness.